Le programme de langue française offre une variété d'options pour les étudiants SRJC avec des intérêts et des buts divers.
Why Study French?
- French is the language of Montreal, Paris, Geneva, Strasbourg, Brussels, Casa Blanca, Dakar... Your knowledge of French opens wide the door to a rich experience of the world.
- French culture continues to exercise an enormous influence in the arts of painting and sculpture, architecture, literature, music, cooking, fashion design, cartooning, and advertising. Your knowledge of French enhances the appreciation and rewards of the artistic realm.
- French and American cultures are linked historically, philosophically, economically, and politically. Your knowledge of French increases your insight into your own society and its connections to the world.
- French is a close cousin to English. Liberté, nation, magnifique, chic, encyclopédie, artiste...the vocabulary of the two languages is strikingly similar. Your knowledge of French increases your understanding of English, and your knowledge of English will make it easier for you to absorb French.
- The Louvre, cinema, Edith Piaf, cathedrals, Voltaire, chateaux, Beaudelaire, Truffaut, Provence, Simone de Beauvoir, Quebec, restaurants, The Latin Quarter, The Bullet Train, medieval villages, Notre-Dame, the Alps... Why wouldn't you study French if you had the chance!
Our Students
In addition to the traditional college-aged student for whom French holds an interest, we attract many Sonoma County adults whose personal travel plans, intellectual curiosity, and/or professional circumstances lead them to pursue a serious, well-conceived program of study.
Course Levels Offered
- Grammar-based courses or conversation-based courses
- In both course types, we offer elementary to high intermediate level courses.
Course Schedules
Course Outlines
For past course outlines, visit SRJC Course Outlines.
Credit by Exam Inquiries
Offered for the French 1 level to enrolled students who comply with the restrictions and requirements. Please see the Credit by Exam for French 1 page or contact a counselor for additional information about class requirements and eligibility to take the CBE.